FMDQ Green Exchange is an information platform dedicated to promoting transparency, good governance, and the growth of Green and Sustainable Finance in the Nigerian financial markets by showcasing sustainability-linked capital raising activities (securities issuances) that align with global Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.
FMDQ Green Exchange only displays data/information for Green and Sustainable securities, thereby providing quicker access to the niche segment and improving visibility for such securities (and their issuers). This is unlike other similar data/information platforms available on FMDQ Securities Exchange Limited (“FMDQ Exchange”) that are not restricted to only data/information for Green and Sustainable securities.
FMDQ Green Exchange is neither a subsidiary of FMDQ Group, nor a separate market of FMDQ Exchange. It is also not a different SEC-registered securities exchange providing regulated activities. FMDQ Green Exchange is an information platform dedicated to promoting the transparency of Green and Sustainable debt securities and related data.
FMDQ Green Exchange is open to issuers that have listed their Green and Sustainable debt securities on FMDQ Exchange. Any issuer may apply to join FMDQ Green Exchange provided its Green and Sustainable debt securities meet the Listing requirements of and are listed on FMDQ Exchange,
The FMDQ Green Exchange platform affords issuers increased visibility to the public on their activities in the Green and Sustainable Finance space via the publication of relevant information on the platform through the life of the issuers’ Green or Sustainable securities. The platform also provides issuers access to ESG-related data and resources to aid their knowledge and activities within the Green and Sustainable Finance space
The dedicated information platform provides investors that wish to factor ESG-related considerations into their investment portfolios, with access to a range of information on the types of Green and Sustainable Finance products and issuers available in the Nigerian financial markets. Green and Sustainable Finance stakeholders can use the information platform as a resource tool to aid their knowledge within the Green and Sustainable Finance space.
An issuer and its Green or Sustainable Security must first be admitted on FMDQ Exchange via the Listing process before the issuer and the Green or Sustainable Security can be considered for inclusion on FMDQ Green Exchange.
Issuers of Green or Sustainable Securities shall be subject to the same ongoing reporting and disclosure obligations required by FMDQ Exchange, which shall include amongst others, reporting on use of proceeds and filing of periodic impact assessment reports.
Listed Green and Sustainable debt securities (Bonds, Funds, Sukuk) admitted by the Exchange that fall under any of the following categories, or as may be advised by the Exchange from time to time:Green Securities: issuances from which the proceeds are used to finance/refinance climate and environmentally friendly projects
▪ Social Securities: issuances from which the proceeds are used to finance/refinance new and/or existing eligible social projects with positive social and economic impact
▪ Sustainable Securities: issuances from which the proceeds are used to finance/re-finance a combination of both green and social projects
▪Sustainability-linked Securities (SLS): issuances which possess ESG-related key performance indicators that the issuers’ commit to achieve. Unlike Green or Sustainable securities, the proceeds of SLSs are not tied to a particular project, rather they are used for general corporate purposes
Yes. Issuers and their Green and Sustainable debt securities that cease to be admitted on FMDQ Exchange, either due to a de-listing (arising from instances such as failure to fulfil ongoing disclosure and reporting obligations, misuse of proceeds, etc.), maturity or redemption, shall automatically be removed from the FMDQ Green Exchange platform.
No additional fees will be incurred for inclusion on the FMDQ Green Exchange. Relevant fees paid for the admission of Green and Sustainable debt securities on FMDQ Exchange shall suffice.
Kindly contact the Debt Listings and Quotations Group of FMDQ Exchange via dlg@fmdqgroup.com.